By helping families with access to concrete basic necessities such as diapers, the Idaho Diaper Bank is
helping build stronger families and reduce the adverse early experiences many Idaho babies are experiencing.
Why Diapers?
Not having something as simple as a diaper can have tremendous consequences. When there is not an adequate supply of diapers, this can lead to babies being left in the same, soiled diapers all day. Dirty diapers can make us sick and spread hepatitis A, viral meningitis, and severe bacterial diarrheas, among many other illnesses that are a danger to the baby’s health and the family’s.
Diapers can’t be purchased with food stamps or WIC. Diapers are expensive and cost over $100 a month per child. With 46% of children under the age of three living in poor or low-income families (0-200% FPL), there are 35,000+ families likely struggling to provide basic necessities like food, shelter, and hygiene. See more information about Idaho Diaper Need at Idaho Baby Diaper Facts
The Idaho Diaper Bank strives to serve as a sustainable, central resource to help Idaho families. Through our work, the Idaho Diaper Bank is helping build stronger families and reduce adverse early experiences for many Idaho babies.
One in three families struggles to afford diapers.
“…With very few resources available to assist with families’ diaper needs, parents often have to make the decision between paying essential housing or transportation costs and purchasing hygiene and diapering needs for their young children.
Since connecting with the IDB in January of 2015, we have assisted over 172 families in meeting their diaper needs, allowing them to focus on their employment goals. We would not have been able to do this without the assistance of the IDB.”
We’ve been assisting the families of the Idaho in need since 2014 and so far we have achieved….
In Idaho 53% of infants and toddlers live in low-income families (that is 6% higher than the national average. Source: National Center for Children in Poverty). These same children (35,947 of them in Idaho) are particularly vulnerable to having their brain’s architecture weakened —this can’t be undone after age 3 and it affects later achievement and employment.