Our Team

It takes a team of dedicated volunteers to run the Idaho Diaper Bank on a day to day basis. We’re fortunate to have some of the best dedicating their time, energy, and expertise to our cause. Here are just a few of the key volunteer leaders.

Scott Robertson

President & Chair of the Board

Traci Lofthus

Executive Director

Farrell Kessler

Board Member

Katie Elze

Board Member

Mary Kay Link

Board Member

Cory McKnight

Board Member

Kayla Kormylo


Cory Carone

Board Member

Alicia Reed

Board Member

Meg Sonnen

Vice President

Board of Directors

Kate Aravich

Will Birdsall

Farrell Kessler

Mary Kay Klein

Meg Larsen

Mary Kay Link

Jeremy Miller

Alina Moore

Scott Robertson

Shawna Walz

Community Advisors

Carol SeiberRoger Seiber
Bob Van Allen
Carter & Bobbie McConnell
Judy Peavey-Derr
Christian Spearow

The IDB is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization. Your donation is 100% applicable for IRS tax credit. Our tax-exempt number (EIN) is 46-5573014.

Contact us

Need more information? Get in touch with Idaho Diaper Bank today.

599 E. King St.

Ste. 150

Meridian, ID 83642

Contact Us

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